Thursday, September 2, 2010

The pilot

At university I constantly hear lecturers talk about the power shift in today’s job market. The best way I can summarise this phenomenon is that atypical work is cutting stable employment’s grass.

On top of this, I’ve been reading a variety of blogs and most tend to indicate that in this job climate networking is imperative to receiving opportunities that may not be given otherwise.

In fact, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” I’d have enough money to purchase the pair of boots I’ve set my heart on.

On the other hand, I actually stand by the opinion that these opportunities need to be backed by talent and hard work or the chances of keeping that position, moving up or moving on are about as slim as my chances are for those to-die-for boots! Basically, that it is both WHO and WHAT you know rather than one or the other.

So lately I’ve been thinking about how as a budding PR professional I can network, build a solid reputation and give potential employers a taste for what I can offer. Developing a professional digital presence was the obvious answer.

You are reading the official pilot episode of my digital profile development (sure I mastered Facebook long before I even learnt how to turn on the washing machine but somehow I don’t think pictures from my various social outings is going to have Richard Branson knocking on my door with an amazing job offer).

I may be in the infancy of my career but through this blog I pledge to entertain, share my experiences and maybe even educate every now and then. I’d love to share all of your thoughts and opinions as well so please add your comments and check back in regularly to read new posts about what’s caught my attention.


  1. Hello Miss Francie. I've been overseas and offline for 2 months so
    I am just getting to my emails on my brand new MAC computer. Just perfect for an aspiring writer like me :)

    So excited you have your own blog. Have I missed any additional blogs?
